This year, to celebrate the birth of our Savior, the Valparaiso Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, would like to introduce it's first annual Nativity Exhibit and invite it's members and the surrounding communities to a quality, family-friendly, and spiritual experience that reinforces our belief in Christ and the true meaning of Christmas.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

So Many Volunteers!

Set up for the Nativity Exhibit started on Monday this week and still continues into Thursday!  So much has taken place, and so many have offered help in so many different ways.  Volunteers have helped put up tables, trees, lights, signs, decorations, cooked food for others, getting things checked in, taping boxes and SO much more!  The effort of these wonderful men and women will be worth it come Friday and Saturday for all the public to experience!  Here are a few snapshots of day 1 of set up!

 Poinsettias actually came Tuesday, but aren't they lovely!?

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