This year, to celebrate the birth of our Savior, the Valparaiso Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, would like to introduce it's first annual Nativity Exhibit and invite it's members and the surrounding communities to a quality, family-friendly, and spiritual experience that reinforces our belief in Christ and the true meaning of Christmas.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Nativity Musical Performances

Live musical numbers during the Nativity Exhibit are currently being scheduled.
Here is a peek at some of the groups and individuals performing.
              "Not Quite Ready for Prime Time Brass"
              "Renaissance Recalled" a recorder group
               Hand Bells group
               Mary Kay Goehl- Vocal soloist
               Youth choirs
               various intrumentals including piano, violin, flute, clarinet, guitar.

If you would like to participate, please contact Music Chair Jodi Ames ASAP.

Check back soon for a detailed schedule of the perfomance days and times.
Come and enjoy and sights and SOUNDS of an inspiring Christmas season.

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